Home » Archives » April 2004 » Hockey Monday, Preseason. Score: 0-2 Loss, Record 0-1

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04/13/2004: "Hockey Monday, Preseason. Score: 0-2 Loss, Record 0-1"

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TEAMS1st2nd3rdTOTALShots On Goal
Misfits 0000??

Bah, Pre-season... Honestly, I don't know if we had a 2 week break or a 2 month break. We all seemed so slow. Of course, I was no exception. However, we had plenty of chances. Gah, we'll be seeing them plenty. Next time, we'll get 'em.
Bitching by Adam @ 02:07 AM PST

Replies: 1 Person Bitched

On Saturday, April 17th @ 12:48 PM PST, Rich (The Canadian Goalie) said:
Look like you guys are back in "losing mode" since Kelly decided not to call/email me anymore. Never truly understood what the heck happened with Kelly. I was ready to play with you guys this season... I guess Kelly decided otherwise.

-- rmc