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11/27/2001: "The Weakest Link"

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As, I watched the Star Trek celebrity edition of The Weakest Link last night, I was thinking, 'Hey, they're gonna make an ish load of money." I was reminded, they're not geniuses, they're actors. I'm thinking, AHAHAH no they're Star Trek people, nerdiness comes with the package! I mean, come on, Levar Burton? Reading Rainbow? I don't think they'd hire some stupid illiterate "shmoe" for 20 years, or however long he's been on that cool ass show. Alas, I was correct in my assumption. Together the misc. Star Trek Crews racked up a whopping $167,500 for charity. It came down to "Geordi La Forge" (Levar Burton) from The Next Generation and the "Doctor" (Robert Picardo) from Voyager. With a small slip up from the good Doctor, it put Lt. Comdr La Forge as the winner. That goes to show, don't judge a book by the insides, but by its cover... Wait...
Bitching by Adam @ 06:47 PM PST