Of the 3 computers I have, my Win2k 700mhz 256mb ram (laptop), Win98 500mhz 384mb ram (primary desktop), Red Hat Linux 7.2 266mhz 128 mb ram (secondary desktop), 2 of them have been failing. If you know computers, sadly you'd know which ones. Yes, I know, the computers I have are not up to par for me as a computer nerd. Well, hell, I'm broke and unemployed. Even tho there are some really good (cheap) deals at Fry's lately. So far I've had 1 HD completely fail, one HD on the verge of failing, memory burning out or something, monitor flickering on laptop. Even after replacing and formating all hard drives and re installing OSes I'm still haveing stupid problems. My primary desktop still won't let me reinstall my harddrive, and every time I try to install the drivers, it searches for the correct one, then when it installs it freezes. And i have to press the dreaded restart button. I just scaned my hard drive and now I'm defragmenting. I don't think that will help but oh well, it looks like im trying. Ah, Fry's, my post-teen mall.
OK, yeah, so... As everyone knows Rosie O'Donnell is gay. So, why does she have this crush on Tom Cruise? Is she really just bi or is there some glitch in the system? So confused! Bah, I don't really care.