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02/11/2005: "Charmed"

Archived Entry:
So, did anyone notice something about the Avatars? They're the same group that helped Cole with his dealing with Phoebe. I failed to realize this, my mom had to tell me about this. Episode 5-12 Centennial Charmed. There were AVATARS! Even the same Alpha, at least I think it's him. He's not billed. He was even in an episode BEFORE that. Sam I am 5-9. Interesting.
Bitching by Adam @ 08:15 PM PST

Replies: 2 People Bitched

On Monday, February 14th @ 05:14 AM PST, Shia said:
yo dude,
just wanted to remind you, i'm coming back soon. i'm leaving early tomorrow morning. see ya soonish!
On Monday, February 14th @ 06:04 AM PST, Adam said:
Like anyone would forget!