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06/17/2007: "Irony of Kung Fu and Guns [Vid]"

Archived Entry:
So last night me and two buds from kung fu from way back in the day, Chris and Kyle, are hanging out at Kyle current place of employment, Hydration, (a boba tea house sort of place) you know just chilling out there trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the night. Chris is never in town since he's pre-med in San Diego so we had to make the most of it. I'm not sure how we decided it, but for some reason we drove to Minnis Circle in Milpitas and went to the shooting range, Target Masters, they have over there. Now, does anyone else see the irony of 3 ex-kung fu students walking into a shooting range. Just a small tidbit of knowledge for you to rack your brain over.

The first gun we shot was the Heckler-Koch USP 9mm, the second was the Sig-Sauer 232 which is the closest they had to the Walther PPK. Being only the second time there, I wasn't expecting much, especially with a range gun. Albeit, not as good as Chris' first grouping with the HK9 (although he WAS only 30ft out) I got a fairly good grouping at the gut. Kyle... all over the place. I think he said it was his first time, so it's all good. We can't all be like moO. The second round shooting with the Sig was pretty neat, it's a tiny gun but has a recoil almost equal to the HK. My first 5 shots were awesome. 1 in the orange, the rest just outside the orange but grouped in a silver dollar, but it was at 30ft. the next 15 shots at about 45ft out. Not so good. Let’s just say, I think I hit the target most of the time. I seriously wonder if I can blame it one a range gun, HA...

Speaking of Kung Fu:

I don't think in my years of training in Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Kung Fu, Wushu, even at my peak, could I ever be THIS fast.
Bitching by Adam @ 09:27 AM PST